50th Anniversaries of Vietnam War –Interested in creating an event?

Over the next 13 months, there will be a series of significant 50th Anniversaries of the Vietnam War, including the Christmas Bombing (December 1972) and the Paris Peace Agreement signed on January 27, 1973, 
For several years now the Vietnam Peace Coordinating Committe has been organizing or assisting (in-person and zoom) events at various locations. Often these events have linked topics from the Vietnam War with current issues. 
For more detail check out their website below
If you are at all interested in holding such an event at your school or in your community over the next year, please let me know at: Carolyn.Eisenberg@hofstra.edu.   A positive response does not commit you but opens the door to possible resources.
Carolyn Rusti Eisenberg
H-PAD Steering Committee

Professor of US History and American Foreign Policy

Vietnam Peace Commemoration Committee

VPCC seeks to tell the truth and learn the lessons of the US war in Indochina and the broad protest movement that helped end the war.