TIME SENSITIVE: Restore Funding to UNRWA

TIME SENSITIVE: Restore Funding to UNRWA  202-224-3121
As urgently needed polio vaccines are being rushed into Gaza, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) remains the primary humanitarian aid organization working there. Unfortunately, the US Congress has passed a bill forbidding American funding of the organization.
This Friday, Congressional Reps Jayapal, Carson and Schakowsky are introducing a bill that would restore funding to UNRWA. This bill currently has 58 Co-Sponsors. They are hoping to add more by week’s end, before it is introduced in the House.  (See list below)
If your member of Congress is NOT a co-sponsor, please call  today, and ask them to co-sponsor this bill, restoring US funding of UNRWA, by contacting the offices of Jayapal, Carson or Schakowsky.
Congressional Switchboard 202-224-3121
This funding will save lives.
Original Cosponsors (58): Balint, Barragan, Beyer, Bowman, Bush, Cárdenas, Casar, Castro, Chu, Cleaver, Davis (IL), Dean, DeLauro, DeSaulnier, Dingell, Doggett, Escobar, Evans, Foushee, Frost, Garamendi, García (IL), Green, Grijalva, Hayes, Huffman, Jackson (IL), Jacobs, Johnson (GA), Khanna, Kildee, Lee (CA), Lee (PA), Leger Fernandez, Lofgren, Lynch, McCollum, McGovern, Moore (WI), Norton, Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Pingree, Pocan, Pressley, Ramirez, Raskin, Sanchez, Stansbury, Tlaib, Tokuda, Tonko, Velazquez, Waters, Watson Coleman
Let one of us know, if you have made the call: