Fwd: (Please Forward) U.S. Empire in Asia and the Pacific (Tues, 11/1)

Another great program in this series.
Margaret and Van 
From: Feinberg Series <feinberg@history.umass.edu>
Date: Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 1:16 PM
Subject: (Please Forward) U.S. Empire in Asia and the Pacific (Tues, 11/1)
To: Jessica Johnson <johnson@history.umass.edu>, History Department <communications@history.umass.edu>

Join the Feinberg Series for a panel conversation on repression, resistance and the history of U.S. imperialism in Asia and the Pacific

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UMass Amherst History Department Feinberg Series

Tuesday, November 1, 7pm EDT, Zoom

Moon-Ho Jung

Professor of History, University of Washington

Nerissa S. Balce

Associate Professor of Asian American Studies, SUNY Stony Brook

Brian Hioe

Founding Editor of New Bloom

Sigrid Schmalzer

– Moderator –
Professor of History, UMass Amherst


Between 1893 and 1902, the U.S. forcefully annexed Hawai’i and the Philippines and participated in the brutal suppression of the anti-imperialist Boxer Uprising in China. Since that time, the Asia-Pacific region has been a major site for the development and maintenance of U.S. empire. This is a history rooted in racism, which has engendered numerous, broad-reaching revolutionary struggles, and which continues to have profound consequences for people in Asia, the Pacific, and the U.S. today. The panelists will show that, despite the oft-repeated goal of promoting democracy, U.S. empire has consistently produced state repression and violence for people living in Asia and the Pacific, and for AAPI communities in the U.S. 

Moon-Ho Jung

Historian Moon-Ho Jung (University of Washington) will address U.S. empire building in Asia and the Pacific from the Philippine-American War to World War II. He will especially highlight anti-colonial solidarity movements in Asian, Pacific Islander, and Asian American communities and the repressive responses from the U.S. state, arguing that these attempts to repress pan-Asian revolutionary movements helped produce the U.S. national security state as we know it, along with current U.S. anti-Asian racism. 

Photo of Nerissa S. Balce Nerissa S. Balce

Asian American studies and cultural studies scholar Nerissa S. Balce (SUNY Stony Brook) will consider questions of cultural production and the afterlives of U.S. empire in the Philippines, with a focus on the Philippine police state and its most recent manifestations, including the Duterte drug war and the harassment of Filipino activists. 

Brian Hioe

Taipei-based writer, editor, and activist Brian Hioe will address the paradoxes of U.S. empire for Taiwan in the context of escalating Sino-U.S. tensions, and the enduring challenges for Taiwanese people caught between the hegemonic forces of the U.S. and the People’s Republic of China.

Sigrid Schmalzer

The panel will be moderated by Sigrid Schmalzer, a founding member of the Critical China Scholars and a professor of modern Chinese history in the UMass Amherst History Department.



Free and open to all. Spanish interpretation and closed captions will be available. This event will be recorded and made available on the Feinberg Series website. Read more about the presenters.

The Feinberg Series

The 2022-2023 Feinberg Series, Confronting Empire, is exploring histories of U.S. imperialism and anti-imperialist resistance. It is presented by the UMass Amherst History Department with the Ellsberg Initiative for Peace and Democracy and partners. This event is co-sponsored by Critical China Scholars and the Five College Asian/Pacific/American Studies Program.

More Information: Contact us | Follow us on Facebook | View the series calendar


The Feinberg Series is made possible thanks to Kenneth R. Feinberg '67 and associates. See website for co-sponsors. 

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