Historians for Peace and Democracy began in 2003 as the Historians Against the War. Its immediate focus was on halting the march to war in Iraq. Its broader mission was to oppose “the egregious curtailment of civil liberties and human rights at home and abroad, and the obstruction of world peace for the indefinite future.” In April 2017, members of Historians Against the War ratified a new policy statement in light of the election of Donald Trump as president. We changed our name and initiated a new campaign, “Threats to democracy and dangers of war.”
Our history: Historical Notes on Historians Against the War, by Jim O’Brien (May 2017)
Join us. We have a a low-volume announcement-only list h-pad@historiansforpeace.org that you can join to receive updates on our activities.
Fundraising appeal
We ask for donations to Historians for Peace and Democracy so that our network can continue to grow and contribute to the anti-war movement. Please donate online through PayPal by clicking on the “Donate” button below.