Historians Against the War

The New Faces Of War 
A Conference for Historians and Activists 

Baltimore, Maryland 
5-7 April 2013 

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Historians Against The War
National Conference
5-7 April 2013
Baltimore, Maryland

“The New Faces Of War”
A Conference for Historians and Activists


Historians Against the War invites proposals for papers, panels, roundtables, and workshops for our upcoming national conference at Towson University, Baltimore, Maryland, April 5-7, 2013, co-sponsored by the Towson University College of Liberal Arts.

The theme, “The New Faces of War,” will examine the many ways that war-making has changed in these early 21st century. Possible topics might include:

  • the emergence of protracted US wars that stay below the radar of public debate
  • the concentration of war powers in the office of the president
  • drone warfare and the human toll in foreign countries
  • the outsourcing of military functions to private corporations
  • the legalization of torture
  • the proliferation of spying on US citizens
  • the defense budget and its connection to the current economic crisis
  • appropriate strategies for opposing war and militarism in their new forms
  • the role of antiwar movements past and present. 

Proposals are due by 15 December 2012. Please include a title and a short (200-300 words) description of your proposal, a short bio for each contributor or participant, and complete contact information. For group proposals please make every effort to put together a balanced and diverse group of  participants. Submit your proposal electronically to conf@historiansagainstwar.org.  Any questions may also be sent to conf@historiansagainstwar.org.

Download call for proposals in PDF or DOC format.

Please help us build this conference by spreading the word to other scholars and activists!
