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University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Teach-in now scheduled for April 9th and will include historians Steve Vincent, Anthony Gulig, Seth Meisel, as well as myself.

It was attended by approximately 30-35 students and faculty of diverse political backgrounds and covered a variety of topics, including the evolving role of the U.S. in international relations, the media, and the perceptions of U.S. actions overseas. There was some sentiment at the end of the teach-in that further meetings would be welcome. So, we are planning to hold a second teach-in during the first week of May on the subject of Iraq and the history of post-war reconstructions.


James A. Jaffe
Department of History
University of Wisconsin
Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190 USA
E-mail: jaffej@mail.uww.edu
Phone: +1 262.472.1103
FAX: +1 262.472.1379
