Historians Against the War

Historians Against the War
Emergency Teach-Ins
October 18-29, 2004

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Dear HAW supporters,

In response to our call for Emergency Teach-Ins, October 18-29, events are being organized around the country. If you are thinking of pulling something together, look here (http://www.historiansagainstwar.org/teachin/) for more information on what is happening (not all events are listed there but they will be), and templates for various flyers you can use to announce them.

Steering Committee member Carolyn Eisenberg of Hofstra has consulted with our Advisory Board members and the SC and sends the following message:

The following people have agreed to be guest speakers at pre-election teach-ins around the country:

Magnus Bernhardsson, Williams College, Magnus.T.Bernhardsson@williams.edu
Bruce Cumings, University of Chicago, Rufus88@uchicago.edu
Alan Dawley, College of New Jersey, adawley@tcnj.edu
Carolyn Eisenberg, Hofstra University, hiscze@aol.com
Irene Gendzier, Boston University, gendzier@bu.edu
Lawrence Wittner, State University of New York/Albany, wittner@albany.edu
Van Gosse, Franklin and Marshall College, van.gosse@fandm.edu
For all these volunteers acceptance is premised on the willingness of host school to pay travel costs and compatible scheduling.

Questions for our time:

  • Is a draft inevitable?
  • Are we going to war, again, in a region that we know nothing about?
  • How many more Americans and Iraqis will die before we consider withdrawal?
  • How can we get out?

Templates for teach-ins

  • Is Iraq This Generation’s Vietnam War? [Word] [PDF]
  • Is Iraq This Generation’s Quagmire? [Word] [PDF]
  • Iraq: A Widening War With No End in Sight? [Word] [PDF]

Planned Events
