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War And Its Discontents:
Schedule of Individual Sessions (Panels, Roundtables,
and Workshops)
These are in
addition to the plenary sessions
SATURDAY 10:00 – 11:45 AM
#1 “Iraq, the Middle East, and the
United States”
--Moderator: Laura Bier, Georgia Tech University --Magnus Bernhardsson, Williams College: “What is Iraq? The Multiple Renderings of Iraqi Nationalism” --Marwa Alkhairo, Georgetown University: “Iraqi Diasporic Identity Across Generations, Struggle and War”
#2 “Human Rights as a Justification of US Military Intervention” --Chair and commentator: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz --Matthew Bokovoy, University of Nebraska Press: “The War and the Intellectuals, Revisited” --Akim Reinhardt, Towson University, and Heather Gautney, Fordham University: “The Imperial Coin” --Andrej Grubacic, SUNY Binghamton: “‘Humanitarian’ Imperialism”
#3 “Vietnam-Era Soldiers and
the Recrafting of Historical Memory”
--Lynn Barowski and Jerry Lembcke, Holy Cross College: “Spat-Upon Vietnam Veterans: Collecting Stories and Reflecting on Their Meaning for Past and Present Wars” --Jeremy Kuzmarov, Bucknell University: “Escaping the Horrors of War: Drugs and GI Resistance in Vietnam”
#4 “Empire and Opposition: A Workshop on U.S. History for Activists, Students, and Teachers” --Duane Corpis, Cornell University --Ian C. Fletcher, Georgia State University --Yaël S. Fletcher, independent scholar-activist --Fakhri Haghani (grad student, GSU; librarian, Georgia Tech) --Lauren Kata, freelance archivist --Derrick Lanois (grad student, GSU) --Andy Reisinger (grad student, GSU) --Monica Waugh-Benton (grad student, GSU)
#5 “Teaching about Empire and
War in World History Survey Courses” (roundtable)
--Marc Becker, Truman State University (facilitator) --David Applebaum, Rowan University --Carrie Hoefferle, Wingate University --Mike Kimaid, Firelands College of Bowling Green State University --Christine Skwiot, Georgia State University --Dennise M. Turner, Georgia State University --Carrie Whitney, Georgia State University
SATURDAY 1:00 – 2:45 PM
#6 “Collaboration or Resistance? U.S. Labor,
American Empire, and the War in Iraq”
--Chair: David Applebaum, Rowan University, in memoriam for Alan
Dawley, the originally scheduled chair who passed away March 12
--Elizabeth McKillen, University of Maine: “U.S. Labor and the Debate over American Empire, 1898-1920” --Daniel Garcia, College of New Rochelle: “Labor’s Foreign Policy and the Origins of the Korean War” --Ben Sears, retired Philadelphia teacher and union activist, current editor of Political Affairs: “U.S. Labor Against the War: The Reawakening of the Antiwar Tradition in American Labor” -- #7 “The Libertarian Antiwar
Tradition from the 1930s to the 1950s”
--Chair: Carolyn (Rusti) Eisenberg, Hofstra University --David T. Beito, University of Alabama: “Zora Neale Hurston, Rose Wilder Lane, and Isabel Paterson on Race, War, Individualism, and the State” --Roderick T. Long, Auburn University: “Herbert Spencer, Gustave de Molinari, and the Evanescence of War, 1849-2008”
#8 Outreach to Combat Veterans
and Active-Duty GIs: Military Resistance in Vietnam, the Gulf War, and the
Present Conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan” (roundtable)
--Panel organizer: Harry Meserve, Vietnam-era veteran; Veterans for Peace;
librarian, San Jose State University
--Tod Ensign, attorney and director of Citizen Soldier
--Sanford Kelson, Vietnam-era veteran, co-organizer of veterans convoy
through southeastern states, spring 2007
(other participants may be added)
#9 “Portrayals of War” --Nahal Zamani: “Expressing War through Art: Iraqi Children Respond to the U.S. Invasion in their Drawings” --Beth Mauldin, Oglethorpe University: “A New World Order?: The American Mission in The Magnificent Seven and Three Kings” --Commentator: Jerise Fogel, Winston Preparatory School
#10 “Sequence of Superpowers in the Middle East: Britain and
the U.S.”
--Jeffrey Kerr-Ritchie, Howard University: “‘Our American Cousin’: The Atlantic Alliance and Imperialism in the Middle East” --Marvin Gettleman, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute (retired): “Cabal of Vulcans: The Neo-Cons and the Sole Superpower”
#11 “Teaching About U.S. Intervention in
a Time of War: Lessons from Latin American History” (roundtable)
--Chair: Margaret Power, Illinois Institute of Technology --Anore Horton, Guilford College --Ian Lekus, Tufts University --Ginger Williams, Winthrop University --Enrique Ochoa, California State
University, Los Angeles
SATURDAY 3:00 – 4:45 PM
#12 “Making Peace in the War Zones of Empire: A Roundtable on Peace Activisms of the Third World and Global South” --Yaël Simpson Fletcher, Agnes Scott College, facilitator --Shelini Harris, Guilford College --Regine Ostine Jackson, Emory University --Samir Moukaddam, American Friends Service Committee --Janvieve Williams Comrie, US Human Rights Network --Judy Yi, Pan Asian Community Services, Inc. (CPACS), Doraville, Georgia --Shu-cin Wu, Agnes Scott College
#13 “Beyond David Horowitz:
Perspectives on Academic Freedom in the 21st Century” (roundtable)
--Chair: Ellen Schrecker, Yeshiva University --David Beito, University of Alabama --Deirdre McDonald, University of Texas–Pan American --Matthew Bokovoy, University of Nebraska Press --Larry Gerber, Auburn University
#14 “Iran and the U.S: The
Current Crisis and the Emerging World Order
--Rostam Pourzal, president, U.S. branch of the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran --Simin Royanian, political economist; activist and organizer for peace, women’s rights, and labor unions in the U.S. and iran; co-founder of Women for Peace and Justice in Iran --Phil Wilayto, longtime community and antiwar organizer in Richmond, Va.; organizer, People's Peace Delegation to Iran, July 2007
#15 “Pedagogical Reflections
and Strategies: Teaching about Empire and War in the U.S. History Survey
Course” (roundtable)
--Chair: Mara Dodge, Westfield State College, Westfield, MA --John J. Fitzgerald, Longmeadow High School, Longmeadow, MA (retired) --Ron Briley, Sandia Preparatory School, Albuquerque, NM --Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, Professor emeritus, California State University --Dave Barber, University of Tennessee at Martin --Roger Peace, Tallahassee Community College, Florida
#16 “Perspectives on the U.S. Military” --Robert Shaffer, Shippensburg University: “An Antiwar Historian in a Military History Classroom: Notes from the Field” --Dena Takruri and Dahlia El Zein, Georgetown University: “‘The Taboos of the Soles of Your Shoes:’ Attitudes of American Soldiers towards Iraqi Culture and Society” --Dee Mitchell, Seminole Community College: “African Americans and U. S. Military Participation: Race, Politics, and Imperialism”
#17 “Traditions and Turning
Points in U.S. Foreign Policy”
--Commentator: Virginia Williams, Winthrop University --Ira Chernus, University of Colorado: “The National Insecurity State: FDR and the Discourse of American Empire” --David Carlson, University of Texas – Pan American: “U.S. Imperial Anticolonialism at Guantánamo Bay, 1898: A Case History in the Tragedy of American Diplomacy” --Itai Sneh, John Jay College, City University of New York: “From Banana Republics to Oil Protectorates: Continuity in U.S. Foreign Policy”
SUNDAY 10:00 – 11:45
#18 Learn from History or Repeat It? Challenges of a 21st Century Antiwar
Movement” (roundtable)
This session is in formation. Participants will include Max Elbaum and Jan Adams of War Times, Christina
Repoley of the American Friends Service Committee, and Carolyn (Rusti)
Eisenberg of HAW, among others.
#19 “Human
Rights and War Crimes”
--Jared Feuer, Amnesty International, Atlanta [AI does not have a position on the war in Iraq]: “Human Rights Advocacy: The United States Posture from Quiet Hypocrisy to Open Defiance” --David Gibbs, University of Arizona: “The Democrats’ Haditha: War Crimes during the 1995 US Intervention in Croatia and Bosnia” --John Cox, Florida Gulf Coast University, commentator
#20 “Howard Zinn and the Politics of History” --Davis D. Joyce: “War, Howard Zinn, and Me” --Henry Maar, California State University Northridge: “History and Activism: An Historiographical look at the Life and Times of Howard Zinn” --Ambre Ivol, La Sorbonne Nouvelle: “Howard Zinn as a World War Two Historian: Towards a Redefinition of the Intellectual Identity of the ‘Munich Generation’”
#21 “Creeks, Pacifists and Student Activists: Resistance to the American Empire from the Creek War to Vietnam” --John T. Ellisor, Columbus State University: “Lessons of a Homegrown Insurgency: The Second Creek War” --Alice K. Pate, Columbus State University: “People’s Council of America for Democracy and Terms of Peace: Pacifist Resistance in the First World War” --Gary Sprayberry, Columbus State University: “‘Eat Cornbread and Raise Hell’: Student Antiwar Activism at the University of Alabama, 1969-70”